The Elbow King Coming To DCS

Diaz Combat Sports

Massive Announcement!!!
The Elbow ?? King ? is coming to Vancity!!! And only at DCS! Lamsongkran the man who they brought in to help GSP will be at DCS. @lamsongkramaka will be teaching classes and available for private sessions. 
A very special mention to @rattachaimuaythai for lending us Lam. Don’t forget if you’re in Thailand to check them out. Kap Kuen ?? Mak Kap!!!
And of course to our very dear friends @watthanaya for making this happen.
DCS is the #1 Martial Arts School in Vancouver and arguably in all of Canada??. One of the reasons is the instruction we offer. We offer truly world class instruction. Stay tuned for an announcement on official dates.
So who wants to come train ?? with Lam???
